Conquer weight loss

The Numan app and box with a Wegovy pen


Weight loss medication

Wegovy is available as part of a holistic weight loss treatment plan. It comes in a pen format and stimulates nerve receptors in the brain that control appetite, so you feel less hunger and fewer cravings.

How well it works

Drives an average of 15% body weight reduction*

Treatment plan starts from

£229.00£179.00 / month

Discover the perks of the Numan plan.

*Based on semaglutide over 68 weeks. Wilding, John PH, et al. "Once-weekly semaglutide in adults with overweight or obesity." New England Journal of Medicine (2021).

Medication that transforms your appetite

Wegovy contains the active ingredient, semaglutide, which mimics a hormone that suppresses your appetite and reduces unhealthy food cravings.

When combined with a reduced-calorie diet and physical activity, Wegovy is suitable for weight loss.

  • Keeps you full between meals

  • Prescribed and monitored by clinicians

  • Non-addictive and easy to administer

Scientifically proven, clinically prescribed

Semaglutide is similar to a natural hormone, called GLP-1, that’s released in the gut in response to food. Clinical trials have proven that the drug drives healthier choices and leads to weight loss.

  • Feel full faster and for longer

  • Combat unhealthy habits and shift your focus to good nutrition

  • Reduce cravings for dairy, savoury, sweet, and high-fat foods

Healthy, sustainable, long-term change

Sustainable weight loss is a gradual process. Our programme looks at every dimension. We don’t just focus on your biology, but also on key pillars of weight, including nutrition and exercise.

Losing 5% of your body weight significantly lowers your chance of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

But that’s not all.

Weight loss leads to improved sleep, a boost in stamina, and increased energy levels.

Meet the clinical team

Our expert team includes doctors and healthcare professionals who take an evidence-based approach to weight loss.

By combining medication with ongoing support and advice, you’ll have the drive to create lasting change.

Ready? Here's what you'll get with the Numan plan.

We’re in this together. Discover how we make the most out of your subscription.

Effective medication

You want treatment that works. If it doesn’t, let us know – we’ll find a solution that works for you.

Free ongoing clinical support

Unlimited access to free personalised advice from our clinicians via email or phone.

Membership benefits

Lifetime discounts on Numan treatments and supplements.

Monthly subscription

Relax and let us take care of your subscription. We’ll keep you stocked up every month.

Pause or cancel anytime

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Free discreet delivery

Your subscription stays between us. We deliver discreet packages straight to your door.